Monday, February 26


An often contemplated subject that rolls around in my brain is newness. We are told that God makes all things new; that we are a new creation, that God's mercies are new every morning. An integral part of life is newness. New things are a thrill to me: the smell of new books, new clothes, new carpet and new cars, the feel of a new baby's skin, a new bloom or a cake fresh out of the oven. Why does the human enjoy new things? I think part of the reason is that we were made in the likeness of a God who enjoys new things.

I did something new the other day. In hopes to establish a closer family connection I employed a modern tool and set up a group blog with the contributors being my parents, my siblings, our spouses and our kids (eventually).

What new thing have you done lately? Today is a new day. Start fresh. Start new. (Philippians 3:13-14)


danielle said...

hmmm...good thoughts.

new?? I'll have to think on that one.

I will email you back soon - busy weekend :)

Annie said...

:) This one made me smile. I love how ... specialized ... God made wach one of us. With a certain personality, or certain likings that draw us to the 'likeness' in His nature. :) I like that. The only 'new' thing I did recently was clean (almost) the whole house. If you knew me, you'd know how big of a thing that is. :]

Annie said...

Okay oops. I meant to say 'each' one of us. Not wach.

Rebecca Gomez said...

Gotta love a box of new crayons!

What new thing have I done lately? Let's see...I tried some yoga exercises. I am SOOO not flexible.

Anonymous said...

I needed this word today Angie- thank you!

Angie Washington said...

You are all so sweet!