Monday, June 18

Funny Fruit - Pomelo

One of my friends from the States came with me to do my Saturday market shopping this weekend. It was interesting seeing familiar things through new eyes. We had fun. And we found a great funny fruit that I thought would be fun to share.

This is a grape fruit! It is huge. The taste was the same as any other grape fruit. It was not as juicy as I expected; but I did get 2 cups (500 ml) of juice squeezed out of it. There was only one seed in the whole thing. I was reminded of the story in the bible when the spies came back from the Promised Land describing the huge fruit that they found. This was probably something like what they saw.

In Bolivia this fruit is called Pomelo.


Anonymous said...

what an enormous grapefruit! you're right - it does remind me of the promised land!

Anonymous said...

WOW- it's HUGE!! It reminds me of a honey-dew!