Saturday, October 20

Dear Danny’s Dilemma

Extenuating circumstances contributed to a fatigued climb this bright clear morning. Last night’s rain had unforeseen effects beyond complicating the cold my climbing partner is trying to fight off. Who could have known that the doom of Danny’s messages would come with the downpour?

Only muddy puddles remained on the steps. The anonymous yet encouraging author had made a slight oversight by using a non-permanent marker to inscribe the passages of hope to our mysterious Danny. Left was unintelligible graffiti sure to disappear completely with the impending rains.

Waxing nostalgic we desperately searched for the messages; mostly because they would have served as a great aid in our journey today. This came to no avail.

Reaching the end of the ascent our ears perked up as we heard a voice call out, “Vamos Danny. Vamos.” [Let’s go Danny. Let’s go.] We looked around. A mother was encouraging her young boy of 5 or 6 to catch up. Could this be our infamous Danny? We glanced at each other with raised eyebrows and shook our head in doubt. Simultaneously we reassumed our hike in the same dubious fashion regarding the hope of finding the final message: Danny te quiero [Danny I love you].

Yes! It was there, faded yet readable! And what is to become of the messages?

I wonder about the message of the gospel. It has miraculously survived millennia. The Author was not foolish in the choosing of his writing instrument. He chose a crimson ink that would endure for eternity. And though the stone we tread upon today is strong, it still is corruptible and will wear away. The Author of the eternal love story wrote his message on the hearts of humans. He did this so that the generations to come will know the truth that will pull them through the hardest of climbs in the journey of life.

What has he carefully written on your heart that has encouraged you to continue? Are these impenetrable messages neatly locked away? Or are you letting them be seen by other journeyers along the path? Even through torrential storms you can be assured that the messages of hope written on your heart will never fade.


Annie said...

:) Very encouraging thoughts. Thanks for your comment as well!

danielle said...


Natalie said...

That I matter. To God. And that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

This was beautiful... I need to contemplate it a bit more...

Anonymous said...

i need to bust out a sharpie and trace over the messages of hope in my heart. so that they are bolder. more evident. harder to ignore. or forget.