Saturday, April 28

Dead Sea Scrolls

Whisked away in wonder we wandered through the displays pondering the ancient artifacts of the Dead Sea Scrolls display in Kansas City. To think that these pieces of parchment have survived millennia is mind blowing. But the most awe inspiring aspect of the whole experience is to know that the words written on the papyrus so very many years ago are the same words that I read in my bible today. Surreal survival marks these fragments.

The story is that about 50 years ago a young Bedouin ventured back into a tiny cave in the Holy Land in search of a lost sheep. Carelessly tossing a rock to the back he heard a hollow sounding reply. The old vessels he struck contained writings that would soon become known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The pieces that were found were regarded as unimportant and trivial at the beginning. Some people recognized that some of the pieces seemed to go together and began taping the artifacts together as one would a torn children’s book. It wasn’t until precious parts of the writings showed signs of corrosion that they decided to remove the tape in hopes to better conserve the findings.

How beautiful it was, then, to know that part of the parchments contained the story of when Joseph fled for his life from the clutches of Potifer’s wife, a real life story of survival against the most unlikely odds.

In the final room of the exhibit my amazement continued as I saw other ancient books and scrolls and considered the journey the Holy Scriptures have taken through the centuries. I especially liked seeing the printed page from the German bible of the Gutenberg press.

What a privilege to spend a rainy Friday reveling in the historical treasures of ancient times that have survived and reached into my now.

Tuesday, April 24


Tooling around town today I had so much fun! Baby in the back seat and me at the wheel we went to the post office, Office Max, church, the bank and finally Border’s. And wouldn’t you know it was my favorite kind of weather today: rain! (I am not trying to be sarcastic. I am really having a fun-filled day!)

My original goal in popping into Borders was to find a Willa Cather book. Thanks to the “pleasant, efficient, friendly, quick service with a smile” mentioned in my previous post that mission was accomplished in under 5 minutes. About an hour later I was headed to the check out. Quite honestly I would have stayed longer but the wiggly twenty pounds of drooly goo goo baby that I had on my hip was doing a number on my back. Also in my rush to get behind the wheel I hadn’t eaten all day and I had a hankering for a nice BIG bowl of cereal and milk.

As I was in the section of literature marked “C” my eyes wandered over to the “Bs” and I found a book that I had been meaning to read for quite some time so I picked it up. Then another in the “Cs” caught my eye and a fun idea dawned on me.

I would get 3 classics for me and 3 classics for the kids with authors whose last names start with A, B and C that I had never read before. Rainy days put me in the mood for my favorite genre: classics.

Here is what I ended up walking out of the door with:

(Ladies for me)
Austen, Jane “Pride and Prejudice”
Bronte, Emily “Wuthering Heights”
Cather, Willa “My Antonia”

(Gents for the kiddos)
Andersen, Hans Christian “Fairy Tales”
Barrie, J.M. “Peter Pan”
Carroll, Lewis “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass”

In case you wanted to know, book stores are another one of my favorite things.

Monday, April 23

Land of the free and the home of the BIG

Land of the free and the home of the BIG! That is my new title for the States. Do you like it? It seems like everything has got bigger since I was here last. There are bigger parking lots, bigger highways, bigger shopping developments, bigger restaurants, and a bigger selection on the menus, bigger ice-teas, and bigger sandwiches.

Perspective is such an interesting thing to me. One can look at something from one angle and describe something totally different than someone who is seeing the same object from an opposite angle. These things may or may not actually be bigger. More than likely it is my perspective that is skewed; thus causing things to appear a different size.


Tyler and I have been in the States for 5 days now. We are having a good time. Thanks so much for your prayers! Our flight in was uneventful. Our friends at the Bolivian airline AeroSur upgraded us to first class for the 6 hour leg from Santa Cruz to Miami (highly recommended!).

Friday night and Saturday afternoon I spoke at a lovely Women’s Conference for Victory Christian Center’s Latin Ministries.

On Saturday my sister drove up from Wichita to Tulsa to take us to St. Joe. We had a grand time on our road trip! Her four year old daughter was with us as well. Someone asked her what she did on the trip up to St. Joe. She said, “When we were eating dinner we were pretending to knock on doors.” That was her way of describing “knock-knock jokes”. What a cutie!

Sunday morning we were at Word of Life Church. That was a great time! I got to see so many friends.

Besides the friends and family that I have so thoroughly enjoyed so far here are some of my favorite things that I have been able to do here in the States.

Krispy Kreme - hot
Schlotsky’s Original with BBQ chips
Clothes dryer and dryer sheets
Driving!!! (one of my most favorite things in the world to do)
English everywhere
Live praise and worship that rocks! – In English
Good gift wrap galore
Pleasant, efficient, friendly, quick service with a smile
Superb plumbing
And squirrels

My husband will be up with the other three kids this Thursday. I talked with them today on speaker phone. My kids are so sweet! They said, “I love you mom!”, “I love you, too” and, “I love you three!”

Tuesday, April 10

Washington Family U.S. Trip 2007

This is a mailer that we sent out. I wanted to let you know our plans.

Washington Family U.S. Trip 2007

It has been over two years since we brought the whole family to the United States. The time has come for refreshing and rest. If you would like to participate in aiding us there are a few ways.

1.Pray over the endeavor.
2. Help financially. The cost for the trip will be a combined total of $7,000. Follow the giving instructions below.

These are the dates:

Angie will minister in Tulsa April 20 – 21 at Victory Christian Center’s Latin Ministry’s Women’s Conference. She will have Tyler with her.

DaRonn will bring the rest of the children up and they will all meet in St. Joe the following week.

DaRonn will stay in the States 2 weeks.

Angie will return with the children, assisted by a group coming down to Bolivia to minister, at the end of May.

We look forward to a pleasant time.
God Bless You

Giving Instructions
***Make your checks payable to WOLC with "Washington - Bolivia" on the envelope and not the check.***
Send your gifts to:
DaRonn & Angie Washington
P.O. BOX 8644
St. Joseph, MO 64508

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you,
DaRonn and Angie Washington

Christ Nation Ministries
phone: 591-4-428-0801

Missionaries to the Nations of South America Christ Nation Ministries PO Box 8644 St. Joseph, MO 64508

Saturday, April 7

Las Gradas (The Stairs)

Cochabambinos boast of having the tallest statue of Christ in all of South America by a few centimeters. The better known statue in Brazil is 33 meters (about 108 feet) high, one meter for every year of Christ’s life here in earth. The one in my dear city of Cochabamba, El Cristo de la Concordia, is 33 meters and a few centimeters; the residents reason that it is due to the fact that Christ lived 33 years and a bit more. It’s all the same to me.

What is most important is that Jesus is alive now! This special time of the celebration of his resurrection seemed like a momentous time to resurrect a practice I had before I became pregnant (Tyler turned 7 months old today).

That is on Saturday mornings to climb the 2,000 stairs on the side on San Pedro hill leading up to the statue. I like to be in the fresh air and see the city from way up high. It is inspirational and a great time to pray and think.

Here are the numbers and facts of the climb:

2,500 meters (about 8,200 feet) – altitude of the valley city of Cochabamba

2,650 meters (about 8,700 feet) – altitude of the statue “El Cristo” on the top of the hill

150 meters (about 500 feet) – elevation gain of climbing stairs
2,000 – number of stairs

45 minutes – total time up and back, keeping a steady walking pace

Red - the color of my face at the bottom of the hill :-)

(Click here for a nice picture of the statue)

Going up

Going down

Now I am off to the market.

Tuesday, April 3

Waiting for you

Picking up the receiver I answered with the Hello-Hola mix of, “Alo”, commonly used in South America. I heard the now familiar voice of Pastor Cristian with his accent of a Spanish speaker proud of the English that he knows, “Vuaiting ford joo.” Translation: waiting for you. Quickly I finished putting on my lip-stick, gathered up my baby boy, grabbed my over sized purse stuffed with baby care products and teaching materials and then we took the elevator down to the lobby. Sure enough, the jolly man met us with keys in hand and a pleasant grin on his face. What was going through his mind as he saw two dolled up gals and a baby coming out of the sliding doors?

The church is close to plaza, a cultural characteristic of most Latin American pueblos. When I recommended to the pastor that we could have easily found a way to get to church without him having to pick us up he emphatically refused to entertain the notion and would not hear one more word of it. He told us in the most eloquent and heartfelt Spanish, “It is my job to serve God’s servants.” Our clicking heels echoed determination and excitement as we passed the friendly hotel staff and met the fresh Sunday morning air.

This would be our final day in the Southern Chilean town of Temuco, for this trip at least. We had spent all Saturday afternoon and evening with the bible school students teaching and talking together. The ministry would now conclude with the congregation. Last year DaRonn had visited this church and told me that they had a lively time of songs of worship to the Lord before the message. He told me this fledgling group used CDs during the worship time because they had no instruments. I was surprised when we walked up the narrow staircase and into the antique sanctuary with creaky wood floors only to discover four real live musicians and a singer all jamming at deafening tones. What a sight! The electric guitar was passionately played by the pastor’s floppy-haired fifteen year-old. The acoustic guitar was played by the pastor’s brother, contrastingly seated next to his nephew in old gospel style. On either side of this pair were the keyboardist and the drummer. Like a bouncy rubber ball the lead singer was out in front of them all. Only when we carefully made our way down to the front, dodging flailing arms did we see three gals off to the side singing around a microphone. Tyler’s two favorite lullabies being loud church music and the noise that an airplane makes as it takes off, was quickly asleep.

After service and before we headed to the pastor’s house for a delicious Chilean roast made by his wife, he looked at me with teary eyes and said, “When we were starting out this work we felt so alone. But now that we have come together with DaRonn and you and the ministry you have we do not feel lonely any more.” He symbolically closed his fingers together and continued, “We feel connected, covered and strong.” I encouraged him to continue on because what I had seen of the ministry was lively, impacting and excellent. I had been translating the conversation to my friend, Raetta, who had come with me. She then asserted, “And I want to tell you, you did good when you found this lady!” as she put her arms around his wife Giselle’s shoulder. I agreed. She is spunky and is working alongside her husband.

We were then on our way back to Santiago, where we had began our week preaching in a conference and also teaching in two local churches’ mid week services. I especially had a fun time in a lively Pentecostal church Thursday night. They were so responsive. I think I could have said, “My favorite color is green,” and they would have waved their hands and shouted, “Amen!”


I have worked my way backward relating the experiences of the past week to get back to Wednesday night. This was a night of destiny for me. I truly believe that something happened in me that day. It was March 28th.

As I was preparing for this trip weeks ago I looked at the preaching schedule. My first scheduled meeting was March 28th. Why did that date sound so familiar? Then it hit me: that is the day that I gave my life to the Lord. This year, 2007, marks 22 years as a Christian.

I was 8 years old and sitting front and center in a Derek Prince meeting at my home church. My child like mind could not understand the sad events that would take this non-denominational store front church to destruction just a few short years after this meeting and end its life at less than a decade old. But that was the farthest thing from my mind when this honorable man of God finished his message and quite frankly said, “If you need prayer then come up front.” Immediately my cousin (who is one year older than me) and I stood up and looked at each other and said simultaneously, as only best friends can, “I need to go up there.” We stood in the line and waited for the man of God. She whispered over to me, “What are you up here for?” I said, “I don’t know. What are you up here for?” Our parents had seen us come up and also whispered the same question. All of a sudden we looked at each other and again said in unison, “I need to get saved!” My cousin began to weep as Derek Prince asked her the question that seemed to be on everyone’s mind that night, “What are you here for?” As he finished with her I didn’t wait. I blurted out, “I need to get saved.” He grinned as he closed his eyes and said, “Repeat after me.” The grin faded as he seriously placed his hand on my head and led me in a salvation prayer. The words were no different than the ones I had repeated every week in Sunday school since before I could remember. But tonight was different. Tonight was holy.

Exactly 11 years later, the evening of March 28, 1996 I was seated next to DaRonn and he put a small box in my hands and asked, “Will you marry me?” Being a simplistic reductionist at the time I was moved by the matter-of-fact proposal and accepted. I have always held dear in my heart the fact that DaRonn proposed to me on the anniversary of my salvation.

Remembering these events I did the math: 1985, 1996, and 2007. This was exactly another 11 year segment!

The first encounter of consecration established me as a child of God assured of my eternal relationship with him. The second encounter of consecration committed me to the covenant union with my husband. What could I expect for this third encounter?

Time has proven my walk with the Lord. Without trying to sound proud, but with total humility and gratefulness I can say that I have never strayed from the Lord’s side. Time has proven my marriage and we are stronger now than when we first began. I know that time will prove this next phase, so I may have to wait another 11 years to say with confidence just exactly what it was that God did in me on this date.

The inkling that I am sensing is that it was not only something that he did in me, but something that he is doing through me. I think that it has something to do with international influence. This is the first time that I have branched out to another country outside of Bolivia since beginning our career as missionaries. My simple prayer of consecration last Wednesday evening was something like, “God, I am at your disposition. Do with me what you will.”

It seems that important questions are connected with this date. One question directed toward me that night was made by our friend Pastor Juan Carlos Letelier in Santiago, “Are you ready?” It was as though in that moment he represented the people of the nations. And then I can’t get Pastor Cristian Tejero Aviles statement out of my mind either, “Waiting for you.” I am excited to meet up with those who are indeed waiting.