Saturday, April 28

Dead Sea Scrolls

Whisked away in wonder we wandered through the displays pondering the ancient artifacts of the Dead Sea Scrolls display in Kansas City. To think that these pieces of parchment have survived millennia is mind blowing. But the most awe inspiring aspect of the whole experience is to know that the words written on the papyrus so very many years ago are the same words that I read in my bible today. Surreal survival marks these fragments.

The story is that about 50 years ago a young Bedouin ventured back into a tiny cave in the Holy Land in search of a lost sheep. Carelessly tossing a rock to the back he heard a hollow sounding reply. The old vessels he struck contained writings that would soon become known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The pieces that were found were regarded as unimportant and trivial at the beginning. Some people recognized that some of the pieces seemed to go together and began taping the artifacts together as one would a torn children’s book. It wasn’t until precious parts of the writings showed signs of corrosion that they decided to remove the tape in hopes to better conserve the findings.

How beautiful it was, then, to know that part of the parchments contained the story of when Joseph fled for his life from the clutches of Potifer’s wife, a real life story of survival against the most unlikely odds.

In the final room of the exhibit my amazement continued as I saw other ancient books and scrolls and considered the journey the Holy Scriptures have taken through the centuries. I especially liked seeing the printed page from the German bible of the Gutenberg press.

What a privilege to spend a rainy Friday reveling in the historical treasures of ancient times that have survived and reached into my now.


Annie said...

Very cool, Angie. That would be an incredible reality to seep into your world. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the scrolls on display!

danielle said...

I always love learning about those scrolls - they are so amazing. And I've always praised God for the invention of the printing press - the timing of it with the Reformation and all - God's hand in history! Very cool - glad you were able to enjoy!

Anonymous said...

very neat! (and thanks for your prayers!)