Wednesday, August 1

Raimy’s Song

It all happened so fast. Church was about to start one Thursday night a few weeks ago. A couple of members came up to me and asked if my 9 year old daughter could help them with a music project the next day. They assured me that the song that she would be learning was a Christian one. The couple had been attending church for a while so I said that it would be fine.

The next day when they came to pick her up I got some more details, turns out that they needed a child’s voice for a music CD that they were making. They were going to teach her the song in the morning and then record it in the afternoon. Then in a couple weeks they were going to go to La Paz (Bolivia’s capital) to do a children’s crusade. Each child at the crusade would receive a free copy of this CD with 10 songs on it.

She came home for lunch after learning the song in the morning. They had also sent with her a DVD so that she could practice. What a surprise we got when we popped it in and found out that all the songs were in English. My daughter explained to me that this couple had translated the songs to Spanish and that all the songs that they were making were in Spanish. The DVD was Hillsongs for Kids. It is a great DVD. We made a copy of it before she had to go back to do the recording.

They did the crusade in La Paz and are planning to do one here in Cochabamba in October. We are very excited about it.

Just yesterday they were able to bring a finished copy of the CD to give to Raimy. My kiddos were listening to it all evening dancing around and singing along. It was great fun.

To hear the song you can click on this link: RAIMY’S SONG. It is called "Tus Ojos" (Your Eyes) and speaks of the eyes of God looking for children that will worship him. Raimy's voice is the back up vocalist.


Anonymous said...

How awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

so sweet!

Anonymous said...
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Annie said...

That's awesome ... I'm sure you're rather proud of your daughter. :)