Thursday, January 3


Anymore in the hurry of life where the entire world is competing for attention messages get watered down so that they can be captured in nanoseconds. Slogans, sound bytes and logos are purchased with unbelievable fortunes just so that a company can make a lasting imprint on the grey matter in our heads.

But what about the soul? There may be commercial sciences that tell us how to make an impression on the mind of a person; but how do we make a lasting impression on the soul? The first few things that pop into my mind are art, music and great literature. Next I think that relationships, more than anything, shape our soul. And then even deeper than that is God. God knows the depths of the human soul.

Will God compete for our minds when his ultimate goal is our soul? When he does capture our soul does the mind simply follow along? What methods does God employ to draw us to him? Are the mysterious and miraculous any more effective than the simplicity and detail in the intricacies of his creation?

Seeing as he is God I could only assume that he would do anything it takes to captivate the human soul. But I do believe that there in one element that stands shining above the rest. He tells us that we can become.

Throughout history and the amazing accounts we read about the godly heroes of old attest to the truth that we can become. And not just “become somebody” as the superficial clichés of the day would entice to you buy into. Rather to really become and continue becoming. That, to me, is the most enticing aspect of God. He tells us we can become.


Natalie said...

I have felt the knowledge that God says I can become since I was a child. I have made the mistake in thinking that everyone else thinks I can become. It is always a surprise when someone says I can't.

It doesn't compute.

It is comforting to know that I am worth being pursued by God.

danielle said...

great thoughts. things to think on, thanks for sharing them "out loud"

Anonymous said...

see... my mind automatically says "what? become what?" as though the statement were incomplete without being followed by something else. i want to know the what so i can work towards something... but that's just my need-to-strive-ness talking. to become, simply become, is much harder.

Anonymous said...

I loved this glimpse into a conversation your heart was having w/ your mind... and now I'm chewing on your thoughts as well :)