Monday, January 28

Sprint, Sprint, Sprint, Gut

The coach of our swim team during my younger years had this saying. But it really wasn’t a saying it was a yelling. He had to make himself heard over the splashes and we were all wearing those flattering plastic caps that squeezed our ears making it almost impossible to hear anything. I guess that it was smart of him to have only one thing that he said, so that we always knew just what he wanted us to do. So when I looked up and saw his brow furrowed and his mouth moving around like the fakey dinosaurs on Jurassic Park there was no doubt as to what he was bellowing out:

“Sprint, Sprint, Sprint, Gut!”

His voice has been ringing in my ears as of late. It is not that I don’t like what I am doing; just the same as when I was swimming. I liked swimming (even if I was in the turtle lane and the other three lanes above me were called: bronze, silver and gold). I still love to swim laps. I like what I do as a wife, as a mother, as a home school teacher, as a missionary, as … well, as me. I have a good life. I simply feel like I have been in sprint mode for a long while and now my coach is yelling in my ear to gut that last lap.


Anonymous said...

i am right there with you.

danielle said...

that's good!

Annie said...

Hmmmm ....

You should have a getaway. Just you and your husband. I know these things are not always possible. But I'm sure it would be good.

Anonymous said...

isn't it funny how those catch phrases from the past often work their way back into our thoughts...

I appreciated this post- and I feel like I understand where you're at with the daily grind... it's such hard work keeping it all going!!

Natalie said...

It's amazing what you can find you are capable of when you think you have nothing left.