Thursday, January 24

Mist over Majesty

Misty clouds have settled on the mountains surrounding the city this drippy morning. They mask the majestic layers of the green wooded hills. All the while the little people below slowly go about cleaning up from the raucous the night before. They are wearing the same clothes that they slept in because they were too drunk and weary from the party to change. The expression of dull pain and exhaustion on their face is darkened by the bags under their eyes. This will be a long foggy day for them.

Just as their minds are clouded from all the loud music, dancing and strong drink the night before the city also lays shrouded in wet grayness. It makes me wonder if these are physical encounters for what is happening in the unseen realm. Do these ancient annual rituals of Caranval some how mask the glory of God with a mist that makes his majesty unidentifiable? My heart is disgusted and aches at this libertine time of such obvious denial of God in the land. These days of Carnaval are the last hoorah for the people before the 40 days of Lent; 40 days of restraint and fasting. This is the last opportunity to do all badness that can be done. Dances such as the “Diablada” (the deviled one) attest to the sheer evil worshipped now.

The layers of the grace and goodness of God are beautiful. Gazing out at the hills that grow from the flat ground inspire you to think about the powerful change that happens in the heart of a person that was once flattened by sin but that now is under the influence of the most power Force in the universe. Traditions simplify and cancel out the wonder attributed to our Maker. God is marvelous and full of mystery.

Pray for the Bolivian people. Pray that the Christians would be strong. Pray that this mist would be lifted from the land so that the majesty of God would be made known. Or rather, pray that the majesty and glory of God would be made known so that this mist would be lifted from the hearts of the people. For the truth is that just because the clouds are present does not mean that the mountains do not exist. The mountains are not affected by the cloud cover. God does not cease to exist when evil is exalted. God will remain. God will prevail. This is the more sure hope that I have in my heart.


Anonymous said...

wow... thank you for sharing this. i will pray.

Annie said...

This was moving. "God does not cease to exist when evil is exalted." That stirred me.

Anonymous said...

I love the last several sentences of this post... your words strike at a personal "fog" that is trying to hide the mountain and wonder and mystery of God. thank you...

Natalie said...

This was powerful, effective and educational.

danielle said...

i was thinking about your family during this time every year. we pray stregnth of heart, courage, protection and leadership for you.