Saturday, May 10

Because I said so

“Because I said so,” was actually something I never heard my mother say. She and my father had an agreement that if they could reply with a ‘yes’ then they would do so. They would explain their decisions as clearly and thoroughly as they could. As the oldest of five children we grew up knowing that our parents believed that we could achieve anything that we set our hearts to. I am a grateful product of such faith and encouragement.

This Mother’s Day I would like to honor my mom by listing some of her frequent sayings. She is often the voice in my head and the voice that my children hear as well.

“Be wise and be safe.” Was said each time we left the house, usually too rapidly, into the big world.

“That would be a great question for daddy tonight.” Whenever we had a question about the way the world worked she would take the opportunity to help us connect with Daddy. Before he prayed over us we would have our inquietudes calmed and usually our imaginations fueled by our daddy the master engineer.

“I am happy if you are having a fun time.” So many times I thought my mom had such a boring job taking care of the foster babies that came to stay with us. Over the years more than 100 children’s lives were touched by her loving hands. I would beg her to come ride the roller coaster, swim in the pool or play Nintendo. It wasn’t until I was grown that I found out she suffered from severe motion sickness. So it really was more fun for her to know we were having a good time and she was part of facilitating that.

Mom you were and continue to be a wonderful mom. I love you!


Anonymous said...

what a great tribute.

she passed on a wonderful legacy... you are such a great mom!

Annie said...

I echo Alece's thoughts. :) Such a wonderful legacy.

Angie Washington said...

Alece and Annie - Thanks friends. You are sweet.

Anonymous said...


Angie Washington said...

Amy - isn't is amazing how powerful words are? They can evoke such heartfelt expressions such as "beautiful". I often wonder what repeated phrases are going to stick with our kiddos, ya' know?

danielle said...

Moms are the best!

My mom always says "God be with you" whenever we leave.

I'm so thankful for my mom and I'm so thankful I'm a mom.