Monday, May 12

Botanical Buddies

You know that feeling of self-discovery when you realize something about yourself that has always been there but never been formulated into words and uttered? Epiphany and light-bulb-moment are terms for this occurrence. Last week one happened to me. Do you want to know what it is? Of course you do, that is why you are reading. (smile!) Drum roll please: I am an outdoorsy gal. There you have it! Stuff like skiing, hiking, swimming, camping and beach fun all float my boat. In any inclement weather I prefer to be out of doors. When given the choice I want to be communing with nature. And I drag people along with me. (another smile!)

Here is a group of pictures taken on our last Fun Friday. We picked up the kids of a fellow home school family and headed to the botanical gardens. Before unloading the truck I assigned Botanical Buddies so that they could roam and explore; yet still be safe. It was a blast!


Anonymous said...

Fun! You're such a great mom!

It's always exciting to relize new things about ourselves, huh? :)

Anonymous said...

How fun- and so picturesque!!

Angie Washington said...

Danielle - thank you! and yes. :-)

Angie Washington said...

Amy - it was a bunch of fun. :-)

Anonymous said...

you are so cute.

and you know what????

drum roll please: i am NOT an outdoorsy gal.

Angie Washington said...

Alece - Aww, gee thanks. :-) It's ok that you are an indoorsy gal. Takes all types.

The Guthries said...

I want in on fun Frdays!
They look like a great group of kids.

Angie Washington said...

Carin - They really are great kids.


Anonymous said...

hey...if you're still awake [it's thurs night]...hop over to Mandy's blog. We're bombarding her w/ comments before she comes home tomorrow by playing the game where you list the first word that comes to mind after reading the previous comment...come over and play!!!