Wednesday, January 17

My Hubby’s Home!

Knock, knock, knock! Three sharp raps at the door invoked excited squeals from the diligent dish washers. I rushed to open the door. Quickly undoing the latch I flung open the heavy barrier that marked the final separation between my husband and I after two long weeks. With a knowing smile on his face he began to say, “Somebody’s been waiting for me,” but the words were smothered as I threw my arms around him. The kids found their way to his legs and grabbed him as the delighted shrieks of, “Papa! Papa!” continued. One kiss just wouldn’t do; I asked for more and he gladly obliged. After patting the heads of his dear peanuts (for that is the name he gave them) he scooped up his baby boy. We are happy.


Anonymous said...

reunions are wonderful, aren't they?! i'm so glad for you that your family is all together again!

Rebecca Gomez said...

Oh, I remember all those homecomings when my hubby was in the military. Welcome home, DaRonn!

Amy said...

You made it- and he's home... Yeah!

Amy said...

You made it- and he's home... Yeah!