Sunday, February 10


Hanging from the beams, forming the roof and covering the wall of our back patio there was a jasmine plant. It was a special kind of jasmine that only had a scent in the evening and through the dark hours of the night. Frequently its fragrance called me to the bench situated under the uncut branches that I let grow wild. Drifting into another world in the freshness of the outside air after a long day I closed my eyes so that the sensation of the strong scent of these tiny white flowers would wrap around me and carry me as captive by its beauty. Even today I miss those evenings.

We live in another city now. But every time I pass a jasmine plant its fragrance grabs me and reminds me of the numerous nights I found renovation out on my small patio.

I think that this white flower could show us how God wants us to behave in the dark, difficult times of the lives of other people. Our fragrance of compassion and understanding can be like fresh air to help another make it through something hard. Sometimes during a painful time all we want to do is sit and not say anything while we are wrapped in the presence of someone who loves us unconditionally. The next time that you see someone worn down do not try to explain why, or tell them what they are obligated to do or even try to give them superficial platitudes. It is better to simply be with the person; maybe with a hug, or maybe with nothing more than silence.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.” (Romans 12:15 – 16)


Annie said...

Yeah. Good thoughts. One of my favorite passages is 2 Cor 2 where it's talking about us being a fragrance of Christ to God. This is part of that, I think.

Anonymous said...

mmm... to me the mark of a great friendship is the ability to enjoy nothingness together. the friends i seem to miss the most are those i can do absolutely nothing with---and call it time well spent.

Anonymous said...

This post was like Jasmine for me today. I learned this afternoon that my grandma passed away and have just been thinking about her all afternoon... your post made me feel like you were here with me... without any words or actions... but just comfort... thanks.

danielle said...

good thoughts.

i'm not sure if i've ever smelled a jasmine plant.