Friday, November 9

Double Dare

Is there anybody else out there that loved the kids t.v. game show “Double Dare”? We loved it at our house. The play is simple: the host asked one team of kids a question, if they couldn’t answer it then they would dare the other team, then the other team had the option of answering to earn points towards cash or double daring the first team, the double dared team then had to successfully complete a physical challenge to earn the points. We ALWAYS wanted them to do the physical challenge! They were fun, messy, and loud and always involved big props like slides, huge balls, gallons of slime and vats of goo.

Wednesday night I felt a Double Dare coming on during my monthly women’s group “Entre Nosotras” at church. So I acted on my urge today and set up a Spanish blog. It is going to have devo style that challenges readers to think, in 200 words or less. The physical challenge will be my ability to write in Spanish. I say, “Bring it on!” I am really looking forward to this.

So if you know of anyone who speaks Spanish then please get the word out of this new blog: existencia compartida (shared existence). Thanks ahead of time! Here is the link:


The Holmans In Bolivia said...

Great idea Angie! I'm glad you were double dared and that you are living up to the sticky vat of goo for you.


danielle said...

very cool.
i loved double dare too! :)

Anonymous said...

awesome angie! I might have to read along using copy/paste/translate :)

Anonymous said...

PS- I LOVE the black and white shots of you on your other blog... and still LOVE that hair do...

Anonymous said...

kudos to you! way to take on the challenge!