Sunday, November 4

A Mountainous Week

As my American week draws to a close there are some mountains that have been conquered by my able bodied crew (AKA: the Washington family) that you might like to know about.

A mountain of dishes have been washed
A mountain of clothes have been cleaned
A mountain of school work accomplished
A mountain of fun had with papa in the evenings
A mountain of fun had driving
A mountain of fun had with a new friend, Denise
A mountain of steps were climbed on the side of an actual mountain
A mountain of fruits and veggies were bought at the market
A mountain of help was given to us by friends
A mountain of love and bonding was forged within our family by working together

Ten mountains climbed. It always amazes me how changed I feel after times like these outside of our regular routine. It is so revealing to get a different perspective when you do the same thing in a different way.


danielle said...

cool! effective week :)

Anonymous said...

what a week!

Annie said...

Oh, I like how you looked at this! Some things in my life (like cleaning) are like mountains. If I can conquer them ... what a feeling of accomplishment!

Natalie said...

I giggled at the mountain of steps that were climbed on the side of an "actual mountain".

Anonymous said...

I loved this... such great perspective!

The Holmans In Bolivia said...

I had a mountain of fun with you, too, friend climbing the steps of the Christo and talking (between sucking wind). Maybe one day I won't slow you down on your way up the steps of the real mountain, but for now, thanks for waiting for me.
