Monday, November 12

A Voice for the Dreamers

The day this photo was taken we were just hanging out with the kids who live at our orphanage. We named it “House of Dreams Orphanage” because we believe that the kids who receive care from us will be able to dream big dreams for their lives.

As I sat there one of the little girls came up and whispered something in my ear. I couldn’t quite make out her sweet lispy whisper but she turned my head towards hers with her hands and threw back her head laughing from the bottom of her gut. I couldn’t help but laughing with her. It became a game with the other kiddos around and we laughed hard for quite a while.

I thought about that later. How is it that this little girl is able to play and laugh? She has every right to be depressed and complain. Think about it… no parents, taken from everything familiar, has to adapt to a new way of life, and who knows what kind of memories plague that 4 year old mind. And yet she laughs. Could I say that I would do the same placed in circumstances of similar gravity?

DaRonn put together a two minute video that I would like you to watch. Click on this image to link through.

If after watching this video you would like to become financially involved with the “House of Dreams Orphanage” then you can follow the giving instructions listed here and write us an email to let us know you want to get involved at:

Christ Nation Ministries – DaRonn and Angie Washington
PO BOX 8644 – St. Joseph, MO 64508
Checks must be made out to WOLC with Washington – Bolivia on the envelope and not on the check.

Thanks for thinking of these little ones in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

i couldn't get the video to work...

you look beautiful with your extended family of children...

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of you guys w/ all your little ones... and that video was really powerful. If/when it feels right... I'd love to hear more of your story of how you made this orphanage happen... I'm sure it was a long journey...