Monday, November 26

Lover Fighter

Some correlated phrases have popped out to me over these past two days.

My husband was musing about a new project that he wants to start. Amazed at his tenacity I looked over and playfully prodded him by saying, “Why ya’ always tryin’ ta’ start stuff?” He gave me an imploring look. I explained further, “Why are you always trying to pick a fight with the enemy? You are always on the offensive starting stuff and picking fights.” He just smiled knowingly and returned to his reverie.

Mondays I go to pray at the 24/7 prayer center that we have in our city. So this afternoon I chatted with the director who is also my friend before I headed in. Walking towards the door I said, “I’m going in.” Which is a phrase usually heard yelled forcefully over the noise of bullets and bombs in a war scene of an action movie as a soldier goes in to engage in battle.

Often the life of a Christian takes on the characteristics of a fight. At times this wears on me; at others I am fully prepared and ready to go at it. So I was thinking about these fight phrases and realized that I am a fighter. But going deeper than that I am a lover. I wouldn’t fight against the forces of evil if I were not motivated by love. I fight for those I love. I am a lover. I am a fighter.


danielle said...

good stuff

Anonymous said...

mmm... i enjoyed this.