Thursday, April 10


A fall is not when you contradict your knowledge
A fall is when you topple off the ledge of professed omniscience
Is what you know all there is to know?

Goodness is… propitiatory
Happiness is… secondary
Love is… primary

Questions are… revelatory
Children are… celebratory
Rules are… regulatory

To be doubted… my premonitions
To be trusted… love’s intentions
To be dismissed… my hasty conclusions

Self-perception… under construction
Self-ambition… eternal satisfaction
Self-indulgence… vehicle acceleration

Music moves… my feet
Art moves… my heart
Beauty moves… my soul

To change is to survive
To grow is my pursuit
To learn is to live alive


Natalie said...


danielle said...

i like it. i wish my brained was wired to be more creative with words like it seems all my blog friends are!

Angie Washington said...

Thumbuddy - I still remember your apartment in Tulsa (the second one, not the one that caught on fire) where you invited us for dinner. (A great dinner, by the way, yum yum, the crunchy chicken breasts.) And it was the same little white-walled matchbox apartment like all the hundreds of other ones in the complex. But when we walked around and looked at how you had decorated it I remember thinking to myself, "How did she do that? How did she make this place look so great?" I still wish I knew how to put colors together, decorate, choose furniture and paint like you can. We are all creative in our own ways my.

Annie said...

Great! I find it amazing that you can come up with these without it taking all day. (Which I'm assuming it doesn't since you have 4 kids and a ministry.) Very cool.

Angie Washington said...

Annie - Thank you. I get the concept and a stanza or two, then for the next couple of days I play around with it and tweak it. It is a fun escape for me.

Angie Washington said...

I meant to add - that I really never have but more than 10 minutes at a time to give it.

Anonymous said...


and yeller -- apartment on fire? i need to hear THAT story!

Angie Washington said...

Thanks Alece - I let Danielle know about your request.

danielle said...

Thanks, Angie, for your encouragment. :)